
Recent factual studies in Iraq have determined that lower than 25% of the population has received at least one does of COVID19 vaccination, and according to IHAO survey on what the main reason stopping people from taking the vaccines, it was shown that most responders lacked the necessary information about vaccination and many believed the common misconception.  The necessity to raise awareness increases

Especially focusing on women, which account for only 30% of vaccinated individuals, the awareness messages are tailored to focus on the importance, efficacy, and safety of the vaccines to the women.

The project started by conducting a survey to understand the gaps needed to be addressed by implementing. Followed by a stakeholders’ meeting to discuss the vaccination figures and propose interventions.

An orientation session in each of the governorates was conducted to build the capacity of the community health workers on the technical aspects of COVID19 vaccination, awareness messages, and communication skills.




Target & Locations

The  120 Community Health Worker started then working in teams in the following distribution:

  • Ninewa (west Mosul 8 CHW, East Mosul 8 CHW, Hatra 4 CHW, Sinjar 4 CHW, Tel Afer 4 CHW, Tilkaef 4 CHW, Qayyarah 4 CHW, Hamdaniya 4 CHW)
  • Salahdin ( Tooz Khurmato 3 CHW, Daur 3 CHW, Alalam 3 CHW, Dijail 3 CHW, Beiji 3 CHW, Dhuliya 3 CHW)
  • Anbar ( Ramadi 1 6 CHW, Ramadi 2 6 CHW, Faluja 6 CHW, Garma 6 CHW, Khaldiya 6 CHW)
  • Kirkuk ( Hawija 1 8 CHW, Hawija 2 8 CHW, Dibs 7 CHW, Daqooq 7 CHW)

The teams reach beneficiaries in group or individual awareness sessions in their homes, schools, health facilities, governmental institutions, places of worship, and public areas.

In addition to the direct reach of beneficiaries, visual educational material is produced to reach wider audience such as social media posts, video productions, street billboards mounting, promotional handouts and protective equipment distribution. The vehicles used by the teams also include educational messages.



As of March 23, 2022, the teams reached 323,238 direct beneficiaries out of which 69,161 were of vulnerability. The vaccination rates of women in the targeted health districts were increased by 45% during the months of implementations